Jerusalem 24h

Random Notes on the Documentary "Jerusalem 24 h"

It is historically misleading to state that the city was divided in 1948 implying it was somehow friendly and peaceful division. At the time the ceasefire line ran through the city, and Jordan illegally occupied the Eastern part, not to mention that it ethnically cleansed Jews there, as well as destroyed e.g. synagogues.

Silwan Arab (Mundhir) carrying a girl speaks about Jews in a very impersonating way, at least that’s how it is translated (I don’t know Arabic myself): ”Those”…

Stone throwing seems to be an accepted way of spending time.

When the archeologist appears, narrator says that the Temple was on the Temple Mount ”according to Jews”, even though it is very much an established fact (told in a later episode).

The morning ritual in Abu Dis school is just appalling (can’t blame the document, just school administration), song about revenge (later I found out the song was really the Palestinian national anthem, don’t really know, whether that does make it better or worse). Military command. PA president is referred to by his fighter name. Children are brainwashed to hate, so sad.

It is quite obvious that e.g. Imad, Aqil, Jamal would be able and liked to live in peace with Jews, opposed to some others…

Jews who want to rebuild the Temple are asking for trouble. A lot has to happen before that is possible.

The contempt, with which some Arabs talk about Israel, is so obvious. Full of conspiracy theories, too. If Mandate of Palestine was inhabited by Jews and Arabs, how come those Arabs, who are living now outside Israel, are Palestinians, but not those inside? If somebody sells property in Eastern part, that person is a traitor punished by death.

Rahmo (רחמו) is an interesting place, founded when I was born:).

In Abu Dis school there’s a painting on the wall showing the whole area as one (though having lines for WB and Gaza).

Mahmud’s mention about pigs is really weird, probably made up!?

The breads look really good.

Some ask to film a patient, some not, those asking do it very clearly for propaganda purposes.

Victim rhetorics seems to be prevalent in Arabic/Palestinian speech.

Prisoner march is hate filled, military demonstration, abuse of children, too. Terrorism glorification and adoration.

Incredible, how much the people smoke.

Really insane that so many have to suffer for the hate of so few.

PeaceNow people seem to think all Arabs are terrorists.

Working conditions on building sites could be better (noise, dust…).

Why would diplomats working in Ramallah not live there, but in Jerusalem?

The posters at demonstrations are not cheap, who pays them?

Talking about Jewish colonisation in a city with Jewish majority throughout history is nonsense (or with Jews being at least the largest ethnic group).

I'd love to see an open air squash tournament arranged, Dome in the background, best Egyptian players participating…

It might be that in some cases the translation mentions Israel instead of Jews the speaker said.

I don’t think terrorists care, what kind of people they murder, whether they are nasty or nice.

Aghazarian’s idea that Jerusalem’s twenty year division should be normal, permanent is ludicrous (not to mention, how Palestinians are treated in Jordan). He, and so many, seem to know exactly, what are the intentions of other people. It seems that for some the general idea is not that history does not belong to some, but that it doesn’t belong to one group and that only. Aghazarian claims that Jews jumped over Palestinians. That is really nonsense, as Jews always lived in the area, even if a small, persecuted minority. Jews started to immigrate late 19th century in larger numbers. Hence talking about a jump (comparing Holocaust to a fire) is just plain wrong. (Also before Israeli independence Palestinians were Jews, Arabs didn’t call themselves with that name)

More people like Shlomo Lecker.

Why do children run on the streets at 2am?

Dreams don’t get anyone to prison, violent actions do.

When do houses collapse in Šu’afat?

Finnish translation is a bit odd occasionally (e.g. narrator says Magen David Adom is equivalent to Red Cross, translation says it’s a little like…).

As a summary it’s wonderful this documentary was made, showing everyday life, all aspects of it, all kinds of people, from artists to garbage collectors, what they have to live through. Thanks for this!

© Jyrki Wahlstedt 2015